Bouquets of flowers to enrage the fire
Fragrant warmth
My guard a tower
satin smoke
dresses the child that shivers
silk tears to be sold
Tallied Cadavers
Engraved memories
buried hopes
I send the weeper to the gate
I summon the reaper to kill hate
Cursed thought
the expanding mind
what if we return to the state of dust
we are stars
he is correct
cosmic mistakes?
but that doesn't mean we aren't beautiful
we are the shimmer in the skies eye
you are the shimmer in mine
a hotel with golden stairs
jeweled animals
desks of pure water
and fish
i walk outside the the graffiti side walks
i run down the alley
i see a red fabric, I walk beside it
I feel like the rabbit
I've some where to be
late, so late
for a very important date
as I'm running...
i know the entire time
That I've already missed out
but i run faster
and my clock empties on to the floor
Inside was poisonous bread crumbs
I have the choice to retrace my steps and go back
But to where?
I ask the man in the top hat
(the same man who I've met on the high way
he once gave me a necklace. one glass tear
that contained all my sadness and fears
so i wear it around my neck to not live it in my life)
He gave me the answer
"What is the Point?"
"you are where you are
and you know where it leads
right back here
to give the same question to me"
i glanced back at the trail
then alley ahead
i was out of bread crumbs
my clock was dead
"where do i go when my time is up?What trail do i leave?"
he said,"why leave your self a trail?
Do you plan to retrace your steps?"
I realized the past is poison
I bowed
went to walk away
"wait, one more thing, my daughter
of dimes, Don't leave a trail, but leave your finger prints behind.
"i walked and smiled on
Came again to the still waters where i found peace
in the disturbances i caused
picking orchids
that were dripping with glittered dust.
I pick them for the fire
so they don't get the Stone angel's touch
Your late
so late for a very important date
run and empty the poisonous
fillings of your clocks
who is who to time true love?
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